This year’ve I’ve been inspired to share all my favorite things (a.k.a. things I love). Historically, when I’m excited about something, I want the world to know about it, so I’m feeling super-excited to organize lists for you with some of my favorite recommendations. I also find that people appreciate hearing what types of items, products, services and practices I (and the rest of the Wellness Collective Team) enjoy – so here you go! Let’s do this!

Oh! And keep in mind that this list is not just for personal benefit – your teams might welcome some of these gifts or experiences, too! We are happy to help with execution on this if you have questions.

Favorite Things List – Self-Love/Self-Care Edition:

  1. Houseplants: They improve air quality, ease anxiety and perk up just about any space.

  2. Essential Oils*: Aromatherapy can relax you or lift your spirits. Certain oils disinfect too!

  3. Reiki*: This touch therapy has changed my life. I find it grounding, healing and comforting.

  4. Meal Prep Support*: I periodically hire Phamily Eats for catering or weekly meal prep. Love!

  5. Self-Massage*: A foam roller and massage ball are must haves in every home and workstation.

  6. Wellness Journal: I currently subscribe to Silk & Sonder. Journaling has transformed my day.

  7. Self-Help Books*: I’m a self-help junkie – I can’t pick just one. Stay tuned for a favorite books list soon!

  8. Happy Light: Light therapy can boost mood and improve sleep – all with a simple desk lamp.

  9. Dry Brushing: This simple Ayurvedic practice helps my skin so much – it’s energizing too!

  10. Random Acts of Kindness*: Enjoy kindness all year long – here is our go-to resource.

*Denotes we currently offer programs and services related to this topic.

I’m happy to elaborate on my experience (and engagement ideas) related to each of these self-care practices. I hope you’ll reach out with any questions you might have.

Author: Katy Tombaugh

Katy Tombaugh