In the spirit of spring, starting anew and feeling more empowered (and less hesitant), I’m excited to offer up Six Confidence Boosters that may be effective for putting a little spring in your step (gosh I love a good idiom and double entendre). Read on to consider how you, your teams or your families might fuel both personal and professional pursuits this season!

  1. Find your person. Shadow someone you currently respect, admire and/or want to learn from. Who would that be, what are you seeking to learn and when will you shadow them?

  2. Choose a bite-size experience. If something intimidates you, find a micro way to experience it. What would that be or entail? When will you make it happen?

  3. Check the facts. Make a list of past successes related or unrelated to your current goal. Recalling what your strengths are and what you’ve already achieved is powerful. What can you celebrate? How can you use that insight as fuel for the future?

  4. Hold on to warm fuzzies. Post any notes of gratitude, inspirational words of encouragement or compliments you’ve received. Sometimes others see your magic when you don’t. How and when will you do this?

  5. Focus. (Oooh, that’s a tough one for a lot of people.) Adopt the mindset that you can do anything but not everything. What are you confident you can accomplish this quarter? Pick one to three goals or actions to focus on.

  6. Invest in yourself. Consider what one skill (if improved upon or mastered) would dramatically change how you experience life. What would you choose? How will you build this skill? When do you begin?

Now, if you really want to take this a step further, don’t just close out of this blog. Bring these suggestions and prompts to a team meeting. Invite people to reflect, write and share. Or maybe grab a journal and take 30 minutes to make a To Do list based on your takeaways from the prompts and the encouragement above. And to ease overwhelm, don’t try to tackle all six at once – one will do!

Need more ideas for your upcoming meeting or retreat? Please remember we’re always just one click away!

Author: Katy Tombaugh

Katy Tombaugh