Oh hey, it’s March!! (… said as I wipe sweat from my forehead having watched Q1 blow on by). Is it just me or does time fly?! I’m choosing to see this as a win as time flies when you’re having fun, and I can honestly say that I love what I do! Speaking of what I do, part of my workday is driven by monthly wellness observances, which I challenge myself to expand upon year-over-year.  

Each March brings National Nutrition Month and infinite ways we could talk about fueling our bodies and minds. As I thought about which direction I might go with this month’s content and learning, I decided to pull way back. Instead of narrowing in on a trending hot topic relative to nutrition, I want zoom out to a much, much bigger picture – one that does tie back to food but has so many awesome applications … and that topic is energy. 

According to Oxford Languages, energy has several powerful definitions: 

  • the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity 

  • power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines 

  • the property of matter and radiation which is manifest as a capacity to perform work (such as causing motion or the interaction of molecules) 

Here’s why I find energy to be so incredibly inspiring: 

We are energy. We have and need energy. And we bring energy. Energy is everything and everything is energy – it always has been. After all, energy is this power that is a constant – it can neither be created nor destroyed.  

“Energy is the power that drives every human being. It is not lost by exertion but maintained by it, for it is a faculty of the psyche.” – Germaine Greer 

Here are some of the ways I would encourage each of us (and our families and colleagues) to think about energy now and all year long: 

  • Restoration: It might just be that rest and relaxation are the very things you need to rejuvenate and enhance your energy. Wellness at Work Application: Treat your teams to restorative yoga or a mini retreat. 

  • Movement: How beautiful is it that we expend energy through physical activity yet many report feeling energized once exercising consistently? A body in motion stays in motion. Wellness at Work Application: Host weekly workouts within the workday or plan an annual family field day. 

  • Nature: Stepping into nature is known to be calmly energizing, grounding and profoundly effective in boosting mood, mindfulness and immune function. Wellness at Work Application: Encourage lunch outdoors, establish office walking paths and create beautiful plant filled spaces. 

  • Breathwork: Breath is life. It’s in the here and now and it energizes from the inside out. Whether you sit peacefully and observe the breath, or you increase respiration through intentional cardio, you’ll experience the magic of greater oxygen intake. Wellness at Work Application: Host workshops on breath practices and encourage mid-meeting self-care breaks. 

  • Heart. There’s nothing more energizing than leaning into your heart’s greatest desires, values and passions. Wellness at Work Application: Encourage your teams to identify and declare their passions and tie them to your team building activities and community outreach. 

  • Sleep. In addition to rest, it’s essential to sleep well. Consistent sleep changes your response to everything in life while energizing mind, body and spirit. Wellness at Work Application: Help those who may be experiencing an overabundance of stress – especially those navigating deadlines and organizational change. 

  • Food. Food provides calories and calories provide units of energy to the body. Unfortunately, the standard American diet pours a lot of low-quality fuel into the body. Wellness at Work Application: If nothing else, provide fresh fruit and water onsite each day. People will consume what’s made conveniently available to them.  

Upon creating this list, I am reminded that sometimes energy comes from slowing down and at other times by stepping up or leaning in. As with many things in life, there is more than one path. It is my hope that just reading this message perks up your energy and inspires you to prioritize energy-enhancing practices into your workday and life. Trust that when this happens, others will be inspired to do the same!  

Author: Katy Tombaugh

Katy Tombaugh