
While it’s healthy and normal to feel your feelings, I think there’s something to be said about steadiness … about feeling steady despite the chaos that might unfold on any given day. Often, when I’m sitting in silence, enjoying my coffee and thinking about what’s needed that day, I land on steadiness. My gut tells me I'm not alone in this craving for greater stability – physically, mentally/emotionally, spiritually and environmentally. 

Steadiness despite the chaos. 

Steadiness despite the uncertainty. 

Steadiness despite any challenges or hurdles. 

Steadiness despite the stress – which really speaks to the many demands you experience.  

The ability to establish steadiness relies on the ability to self-regulate. Self-regulation is something we often recognize (as being present or lacking) in children, yet adults need it just as much (if not more) to manage emotions sparked by people, relationships, situations and decisions on any given day. Behaviorally, self-regulation allows you to make choices that are in alignment with what matters most to you (your values). Emotionally, self-regulation empowers you perk yourself up when you’re feeling meh or to calm yourself down when you’re feeling angry or triggered. Sounds amazing, right? 

I see steadiness as coming from a place of keen noticing and deep knowing. By noticing, you become aware. It’s the opposite of ignoring. I worry that people become all too familiar with ignoring their body and mind – simply going through the motions of the daily grind, pretending not to know that something’s got to give. Once there’s awareness, it may take some time and energy to discover (to know) what it is that will bring you greater steadiness.  

A verb that mirrors and embodies steadiness is grounding. As in “I’m grounding myself by taking a walk around the block without my phone.”  

Here are a few more ideas for grounding with the intention to experience greater steadiness: 

  • Do anything in nature. Grounding benefits will increase the more you connect your hands and feet to the earth. Kick off your shoes to feel the grass or sand beneath you, and dig in the dirt with those hands! 

  • Do anything tech-free. Enjoy the simplicity, freedom and focus of not being entangled with a device. 

  • Do anything that supports mindfulness. Breathe deeply. Rest your eyes and feel what’s happening in your body. Observe things as they are without judgement. 

  • Do something to create more space in the workday. I mean this both literally and figuratively. Create a physical space that invites and supports consistent grounding self-care practices while also creating space (meaning room in the sense of time) for taking care of your mind, body, spirit and environment. 

Do you need additional ideas for supporting steadiness?  We can easily continue this conversation with just one click. Wellness Collective is here to support your steadiness, and that of your teams, all year long. 

Author: Katy Tombaugh

Katy Tombaugh