As I took a few deeps breaths and tackled what the year ahead might look like for me, my business and my clients, I couldn’t land on just one word of the year. Instead, I opted for 12. (Yes, I identify as an overachiever, haha!) But seriously, this year, it felt less overwhelming (to me) to explore many themes throughout the year and not be pressured to land on the one.

Note: If you haven’t received your copy of our Happy 2024! wishes – click here to view them and preview all 12 themes!

 For January, I landed on Opportunity as a relevant theme. Often when we hear the word opportunity – especially in business – we may associate it with a job offer. Let’s just say, I’m not talking about job offers here. I’m talking about the infinite number of micro-opportunities we have all day long, and all month long, in our work and life. For today’s learning purposes, let’s use this definition of opportunity:

“A set of circumstances that make it possible to do something.”

Years ago, I read a self-help journal that encouraged a daily declaration of three seeds. I interpreted this as a nudge to identify three ways to plant possibilities and to take action in these areas (to watch them grow). If you like the three seeds approach, happy planting!

If that seems like too much to commit to, I’d invite you to stay really curious about what’s possible throughout the flow of your day. I believe that all day long we can look for windows of opportunity and listen to whispers of awareness – and that excites me! If you’re working organically like this, you may discover that planting more than three seeds is easy and addicting!

I’ve tried proactively listing the three opportunities at the beginning of the day and compared this with just seizing opportunities all day long as they come. And guess what? They both work.

As I sat with how to approach this theme and application this month, I thought it might be most helpful to share a list of 30 opportunities. While this blog title references endless opportunities, I think examples are always helpful. So, with that, I give you 30 examples of opportunities to support your health, happiness and well-being on any given workday.

Will you jump at the opportunity? Here’s 30 ways to transform your day:

1.     Say a prayer.

2.     Try a new food.

3.     Ask for assistance.

4.     Smile at a stranger.

5.     Go for a 2-minute walk.

6.     Use one of your strengths.

7.     Call a friend that you miss.

8.     Lie on the floor and stretch.

9.     Go to bed 30 minutes earlier.

10.  Practice being a great listener.

11.  Step outside for some fresh air.

12.  End a meeting 10 minutes early.

13.  Ask someone how you can help.

14.  Cancel an unnecessary meeting.

15.  Look for the stairs and take them.

16.  Celebrate someone or something.

17.  Take initiative on a project at work.

18.  If an idea inspires you, write it down!

19.  Check in on a coworkers’ stress level.

20.  Leave a space tidier than you found it.

21.  Put a pair of walking shoes in your car.

22.  Research something that interests you.

23.  Take an hour-long break from your phone.

24.  Express words of appreciation to someone.

25.  Use the person’s name when you say hello.

26.  Notice something positive from your workday.

27.  Allow yourself a few minutes to rest after work.

28.  Pass on something that doesn’t make sense for you.

29.  Show you’re engaged in a topic by asking questions.

30.  Post words of encouragement around the office or in group chats.

Author: Katy Tombaugh

Katy Tombaugh